Articles Sharon Reaves Articles Sharon Reaves

What Should the Government Think About Future Tech/Innovation Including 5G

The Significance of 5G for Special Operations of the Future Toby Redshaw “He will observe also that changes in tactics have not only taken place after changes in weapons, which is necessarily the case, but that the interval between such changes has been unduly long. This doubtless arises from the fact that an improvement in weapons is due to one or two men, while changes in tactics must overcome the inertia of a conservative class; but it is a great evil.

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Sharon Reaves Sharon Reaves

Strategic Latency: Red, White, and Blue

Published by the Center for Global Security Research at Lawrence Livermore National Lab. My chapter is on how to assess technology potential and turn it into battlefield advantage. It covers innovation radar, culture change, change management, innovation at scale and ends with a list of recommended and explained accelerators.

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Future Proofing Sharon Reaves Future Proofing Sharon Reaves

Future Proof: 2016 Article Scary Trends in the Dark Web – turns out to be on target, actionable and predictive.

We have all heard the continued news drum beat on hacking. Anthem, Sony, Target, Home Depot, Experian, various government and military branches have all been hacked and received their fair share of negative press. People were harmed, leaders were fired, brands were damaged and no one was really surprised.

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Future Proofing Sharon Reaves Future Proofing Sharon Reaves

The Big Bifurcation Battle — CIO Winners and Losers in 2015 and How to Land on the Winning Side (May 2012)

At the end of 2015 some CEOs are going to be happy about their results. Others not so much. Underlying both the good and the bad will be a clear bifurcation between those that get and execute modern IT and those that don’t. Full transparency that’s an example of foresight and predictions from 6 years ago that almost all were fully realized.

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